Helpful tips when engaging with a Recruitment Process Outsourcing partner

Having a Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) partner is advantageous for companies in helping reduce cost, providing flexibility in scaling staffing up and down as needed, expediting filling up positions, ensuring the quality of hire and better retention rate, and being proactive in improving recruitment strategies. It is for these reasons that more and more companies are shifting their recruitment strategies to RPO. If you are also eyeing this transition, Excel Guyana’s Recruiting Division offers these helpful tips:

Identify your present recruitment gaps and needs â€“ Getting an RPO partner means improving your recruitment process. Thus, you need to know what aspects of your strategies need to be improved and how your RPO partner can help. Also, you need to create a checklist of what you need your RPO to accomplish to provide direction in your partnership.

Determine your RPO partner – There are different types of RPO agreements. Identifying your needs would help you determine what type of RPO partnership would best work. Check out the different types of RPO here.

Determine the cost â€“ RPO services come with a price and it varies not by how large or small your company is but by the kind of service you need. Usually, RPOs follow these four cost models: 

  • Cost per hire â€“ This fee is based on every candidate hired. This is ideal for short-term projects.
  • Management fee â€“ This covers the services in managing the company’s hiring requirements. This fee is paid monthly and could increase as the number of hires increases.
  • Cost per slate â€“ The RPO partner charges this fee for every number of candidates processed from sourcing to screening until they qualify. The candidates are then endorsed to the company to proceed with the hiring. This is ideal for short-term, low-demand projects.
  • Cost per transaction â€“ This fee is charged every time an RPO partner finishes a task in the recruitment process like resume screening, background investigation, and the like.

Prepare job details â€“ Once you have identified your RPO partner, make sure to prepare the details of the position that you need to be filled up including the description, skills set, experience, background, and the number of hires you need for the team. This will provide your RPO partner perspective on what you are looking for.

Excel Guyana’s Recruiting Division’s dynamic team is the foundation for a fast-growing integrated company focused on offering comprehensive solutions to our clients and partners. Excel is committed to being a vital driver in the development of Guyana and welcomes interest from foreign partners that have skills and products that are essential to Guyana’s growth. It offers services to clients and partners in their recruitment needs including complying with local recruitment policies like the Local Content Registration. In addition, it also offers services to help job seekers in creating promising career paths and find sustainable employment in construction management, procurement and logistics, human resource, accounting, among others.

Excel’s leadership has more than 30 years of experience in building businesses in Guyana and the CARICOM region. With more than 10 years of local presence in Guyana, it has established networks in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, the United States of America, Mexico, and Venezuela.

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